Important Disclaimer Regarding the Use of this App/Website: Your Sole Risk and Responsibility
Are you considering using a financial app or website for investment purposes? It’s important to be aware of the risks involved and to understand the disclaimer provided by the platform.
When you use an app or website like Limited, HKEx Information Services Limited, or Nasdaq, you are expressly agreeing that the use of the platform is at your sole risk. While these platforms strive to provide accurate and reliable information, they do not guarantee its accuracy or reliability. This means that you, as the user, need to exercise caution and do your own research before making any investment decisions based on the information provided.
It’s also important to note that these platforms do not offer any express or implied warranties regarding the information provided. They will not be liable for any interruptions, inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the information, or for any damages resulting from its use.
Additionally, it’s crucial to understand that past performance is not indicative of future results when it comes to investments. The value and income derived from investments can go up or down, and there are no guarantees of profitability.
Before making any investment decisions based on the information provided by these platforms, it’s recommended to consult with a professional financial adviser. Remember, investment involves risk, and it’s essential to be well-informed and cautious when navigating the financial markets.
In conclusion, when using a financial app or website, always read and understand the disclaimer provided. Take the necessary precautions, do your own research, and seek professional advice before making any investment decisions. Stay informed, stay cautious, and happy investing!