Orange Officials Discuss Dissolving Armory Commission and Requesting Financial Audit

Selectboard Actions: Lake Subcommittee, Armory Commission, and Financial Management Review

The town of Orange had a busy Selectboard meeting this week, with several important topics on the agenda. One of the key issues discussed was the creation of a new subcommittee to address dock issues at Lake Mattawa. The Selectboard approved the formation of this subcommittee in response to a complaint filed by a resident regarding recent dock installations that were not in compliance with state licensing regulations.

The discussion around Lake Mattawa also touched on the importance of public access to the lake, with Vice Chair Pat Lussier expressing concern about “no trespassing” signs restricting access to certain areas. The subcommittee will work to find a balance between the interests of property owners and the town in complying with state licensing requirements.

Another significant topic at the meeting was the future of the Armory Commission. With the Orange Armory no longer in use, Selectboard Chair Tom Smith proposed disbanding the commission, a motion that will be formally made at the next meeting. Former state Rep. Denise Andrews spoke out against this decision, emphasizing the historical value of the armory to the community.

In light of recent financial challenges faced by the town, the Selectboard also tasked Town Administrator Matthew Fortier with applying for a financial management review from the state. This comes after Orange paid over $300,000 in fraudulent invoices last fall, leaving the town in a difficult financial situation. The details of the review process are still being determined, but it is a crucial step in addressing the town’s financial issues.

Overall, the Selectboard meeting in Orange covered a range of important topics, from lake management to historical preservation and financial management. The decisions made at this meeting will have a significant impact on the future of the town, and it will be important to follow up on the progress of these initiatives in the coming months. Stay tuned for more updates on these important issues in Orange.

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